Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life in Dahab


This is Mia and Will's Mom. Mia is allowing me ONE guest post since I wanted some pictures to show life in Dahab. The birthday pictures are truly awesome, especially since the presents came from Mom and Dad; but they don't show much about this beautiful sea-side town. I think Will might have described we are on the east coast of the Sinai Peninsula.Across the water is Saudi Arabia. Dahab is quite windy so a popular spot for windsurfers as well as scuba divers. Mia snorkeled along a coral reef wall today and saw lots of magnificent, brightly colored fish.  You can see that we are enjoying the leisurely life. See you all soon! Claudia

dahab birthday

   Dahab is in the Sinai, which splits the Red Sea apart.On our birthday on our first day here, I got a hippo, a basket, and a deck of playing cards. Mia got a bead basket,a soap stone box,and a felt elephant named magic. Dahab was a nice place to have a birthday.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Hello friends of Will and Mia, this is their sister Maddie who has now hacked into their account and changed all the passwords. Unless my demands have been met in the next four hours, including a complete elimination of a certain site, the next post will have an extremely... let's say, interesting photo of Will and Mia. The countdown starts now. >:)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


If you like milk, Africa is not all good.  The milk to me and Will tastes terrible! Well at least, in Uganda and Tanzania. That's why Will and I were happy to taste normal milk. Our family has already drunk 3 litres of milk, which tastes great here in Egypt!

Charge charging the pyrmids !!!

This is Khefre's pyramid, right behind the Sphinx.:


I got "Charge" in Uganda and he is a famous and rare paisley rhinoceros. We are sorry to say that Charge wasn't actually there at the pyramids.

   We have been trying to memorize hieroglyphics and the cartouches of the pharohs.  King Tut's cartouche is made of: a bowl, a beetle, and a sun.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Meanwhile, further up the Nile in Egypt...

Today we visited the Pyramids of Giza.  The biggest one is for Khufu and we went inside.  Don't worry, we didn't get caught in any of the traps they built for grave robbers, but we did have a very personal experience with this Pharoh's coffin.  We drove camels!

This is Kefere's Pyramid, but we didn't go inside it. It is the 2nd tallest.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welcome to the Nile

Yesterday we got to Jinja. Here is the latest version of where we have been -- green for the last week:

Today we are going rafting down the Nile. Today we are also havin'  our birthday party with our aunts      .

Monday, March 14, 2011

About Mbarara

We now are in Mbarara. We drove from Bushara island to mbara.We are staying at the 7 hills hotel.We are gonna stay here for 5 days.  Our mom met us here, after 3 weeks finally.  Mom is working and Will is making a secret code.  I can't wait to go to Egypt so I can ride a camel and see the Pyramids.

Friday, March 11, 2011


We are in Uganda on Bushara island. It is very cool here. We are making a map. It reminds us of Oregon. Birds love it here!There is many flowers  too and a rope swing into the lake!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bon Jour from Rwanda

We are at the Gorillas Hotel and the bottle cap collecting is great.  Except the french don't know how to spell beer (biere? come on?!).

Here is where we have been so far in Africa:

It started raining the morning and we had to hide in a little town and drink tea and eat donuts.  Luckily, we did not slip off the side of the mountain roads!!  We ate 2 goats [well they did]. I was playing a heroic soccer match with some kids in town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been learning alot, especially about gorillas and monkeys.  Here is a link to the homework that we have been doing: twins.homework.boring.  Third graders will be especially interested.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mountain animals

We have now done some camping in the Serengeti and did not get eaten by the lions or the boa constrictor.  However six of our tires did get eaten (in one day).  Before we got to the Serengeti, first we drove from the Indian Ocean to the Usambara Mountains.

Guess what we found there?  Our favorite pets!

We also saw a baby turtle and monkeys and a great chameleon.  Gibbles and Esddey we miss you!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My friend Connor

Dear Connor,

           Happy Birthday!  Wish you were here, the local monkeys don't have a full troop and I thought maybe you could join and no one would notice. The weather is great here for camping and they live mostly on Mangoes and stuff they borrow from the farmers fields. You could experience true Hakuna Matata [no worries]!

see you later Will