Friday, March 11, 2011


We are in Uganda on Bushara island. It is very cool here. We are making a map. It reminds us of Oregon. Birds love it here!There is many flowers  too and a rope swing into the lake!!!


  1. The rope swing into the lake and all the birds and flowers sound so nice! Can't wait to see your map, It's been fun following the big one you have posted. Do you travel in jeeps, or by bus, or train....or are you walking the whole way?

  2. Hi Will and Mia,
    Mary Kay here from home. I need to get a message to your folks. When we were walking Barley tonight, we found your garage door open. We bravely went in with Mike's key and nothing is wrong. No car in the garage, but the Subaru is outside. Locked it all back up but want to know if your folks want further action.
    Thanks for passing this on....MK

  3. Thanks, MK, we have sent e-mail to you about the garage mystery, and will also send a text message.

  4. Mary Kay:
    We are driving usually, and one day we got six flat tires!!! We walk more now because we don't have a car.
